Documentation: ELI hacks

Below are some hacks to get the ACL emacs lisp interface partially working for CMUCL. This really just allows multiple listeners to be started, there is no support for the LEP process so functionality is very limited. Eventually hemlock may be enhanced to provide similar functionality for CMUCL in a far more integrated manner.

Regards Douglas Crosher

;;;; CMUCL Run-Bar process, and lisp listener hacks.

(in-package "MULTIPROCESSING")

(defun run-bar-process ()
  (let ((fd (sys:fd-stream-fd *terminal-io*)))
    (let ((before-gc
           #'(lambda ()
               (unix:unix-write fd "GC  " 0 4)))
           #'(lambda ()
               (unix:unix-write fd "Up  " 0 4))))
            (push before-gc ext:*before-gc-hooks*)
            (push after-gc ext:*after-gc-hooks*)
            (unix:unix-write fd "Up  " 0 4)
            (mp:process-wait "Sleep" (constantly nil)))
        (setf ext:*before-gc-hooks* (remove before-gc ext:*before-gc-hooks*))
        (setf ext:*after-gc-hooks* (remove after-gc ext:*after-gc-hooks*))
        (unix:unix-write fd "Down" 0 4)))))

;;; Add an emacs connection mode providing minimal compatibility to
;;; the ACL emacs package.
(defun start-lisp-connection-listener
    (&key (port 1025)
          (password (random (expt 2 24)))
          (emacs nil))
  (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) port))
  "Create a Lisp connection listener, listening on a TCP port for new
  connections and starting a new top-level loop form each."
      (;; The session top level read eval. loop.
       (start-top-level (fd)
         (let ((stream (sys:make-fd-stream fd :input t :output t)))
                (let* ((*terminal-io* stream)
                        (make-synonym-stream '*terminal-io*))
                       (*standard-output* *standard-input*)
                       (*error-output* *standard-input*)
                       (*debug-io* *standard-input*)
                       (*query-io* *standard-input*)
                       (*trace-output* *standard-input*))
                     (let ((*read-eval* nil))
                           (let ((protocol (read))
                                 (process-name (read))
                                 (read-password (read)))
                             (format sys::*tty* "*P ~s ~s ~s~%"
                                     protocol process-name read-password)
                             (format sys::*tty* "*P ~s ~s~%"
                                     (eql read-password password)
                                     (stringp process-name))
                             (unless (and (eql read-password password)
                                          (stringp process-name))
                               (return-from start-top-level))
                             (format sys::*tty* "*P ~s ~s~%"
                                     (eql read-password password)
                                     (stringp process-name))
                             (setf (process-name *current-process*)
                             (format sys::*tty* "*P ~s ~s~%"
                                     (eql read-password password)
                                     (stringp process-name))
                             (when (eq protocol :lep)
                               (read)   ; Flush emacs version.
                               (process-wait "Sleep" (constantly nil))))
                         (error () (return-from start-top-level)))))
                     (format t "Enter password: ")
                     (let* ((*read-eval* nil)
                               (error ()
                                 (return-from start-top-level)))))
                       (unless (equal read-password password)
                         (return-from start-top-level)))))
                 (close stream)
               (error ())))))
       ;; Turn internet address into string format
       (ip-address-string (address)
         (format nil "~D.~D.~D.~D"
                 (ldb (byte 8 24) address)
                 (ldb (byte 8 16) address)
                 (ldb (byte 8 8)  address)
                 (ldb (byte 8 0)  address)))
       ;; The body of the connection listener.
       (listener ()
         (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
         (let ((fd nil))
                  ;; Start the listener.
                  (do ()
                        (setf fd (ext:create-inet-listener port))
                      (error () (incf port))))

                  (setf (process-name *current-process*)
                        (format nil "Lisp connection listener on port ~d"

                     (format t "~d ~d :upper NIL 1" port password)
                     (format t "~&;; Started lisp connection ~
                                        listener on port ~d with password ~d~%"
                             port password)))

                     ;; Wait for new connections.
                     (process-wait-until-fd-usable fd :input)
                     (multiple-value-bind (new-fd remote-host)
                         (ext:accept-tcp-connection fd)
                       (let ((host-entry
                          #'(lambda ()
                              (start-top-level new-fd))
                          :name (format nil "Lisp session from ~A"
                                        (if host-entry
                                            (ext:host-entry-name host-entry)
             ;; Close the listener stream.
             (when fd
               (unix:unix-close fd))))))

    ;; Make the listening thread.
    (make-process #'listener)))
;;;; Emacs ilisp code hacks - place in .emacs

;;; ACL 4.3
(setq load-path
      (cons "/usr/acl4.3/home/emacs/fi" load-path))
(load "fi-site-init")

(setq fi:start-lisp-interface-arguments
   (lambda (use-background-streams)
      "-eval" "(setf mp::*idle-process* mp::*initial-process*)"
      "-eval" "(mp::start-lisp-connection-listener :emacs t)"

(setq fi:common-lisp-image-name "lisp")

;;; Sent to the a newly started listener.
(defun fi::setup-tcp-connection (proc)
  (format "\";;; Emacs listener %d.\"\n" (fi::tcp-listener-generation proc)))

(defun fi:show-run-status ()
  "Cause CL to show Run/Wait/GC status in ACL buffer mode lines.
This is normally called automatically from fi:start-lisp-listener-hook."
  (interactive "")
  (if (or (null fi::common-lisp-backdoor-main-process-name)
          (not (fi:process-running-p
                (get-process fi::common-lisp-backdoor-main-process-name))))
      (error "Common Lisp must be running to show run bars."))
    (let* ((buffer
             (get-process fi::common-lisp-backdoor-main-process-name)))
           (proc (fi::open-network-stream "Run Bar Process"
                                          (fi::get-buffer-host buffer)
                                          (fi::get-buffer-port buffer))))
      (set-process-filter   proc 'fi::show-run-status-filter)
      (set-process-sentinel proc 'fi::show-run-status-sentinel)
      (send-string proc (format "%s \n" (fi::prin1-to-string fi::listener-protocol)))
      (send-string proc (format "\"%s\" \n" (process-name proc)))
      (send-string proc (format "%d \n" (fi::get-buffer-password buffer)))
      (send-string proc "(mp::run-bar-process)\n")

(defun fi::install-mode-line-run-status ()
  (setq mode-line-buffer-identification
    '("CMUCL " fi:allegro-run-status-string " %12b")))