The multiprocessing capabilities in the x86 versions of CMUCL allow it to operate as a lisp server. This can be useful in a situation where you wish to execute a number of small scripts, where the overhead of launching a separate CMUCL instance would be penalizing. For a real application you would have to take security considerations into account.
(in-package :user) (format t "THIS A A HUDGE SECURITY RISC. CHANGE THE PASSWORD!!!~%~%") (setf mp::*idle-process* mp::*initial-process*) (mp::start-lisp-connection-listener :port 6789 :password "Clara") ;;; now you can telnet in and do: #| $telnet localhost 6789 Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. Enter password: "Clara" CMU Common Lisp Experimental 18a+ release x86-linux 2.2.0 cvs, running on slartibartfast Send bug reports and questions to your local CMU CL maintainer, or to, or to or or to (prefered) type (help) for help, (quit) to exit, and (demo) to see the demos Loaded subsystems: Python 1.0, target Intel x86 CLOS based on PCL version: September 16 92 PCL (f) * (+ 1 1) 2 * (quit) Connection closed by foreign host. |#
Craig Brozefsky has developed a prototype application called qcmu which generalizes this technique. It allows users to obtain either a REPL or to execute a script on a CMUCL server. qcmu uses a client-server protocol which incorporates authentication mechanisms.
by Peter Van Eynde