Tail-recursive local calls are particularly efficient, since they are
in effect an assignment plus a control transfer. Scheme programmers
write loops with tail-recursive local calls, instead of using the
imperative go
and setq
. This has not caught on in the
Common Lisp community, since conventional Common Lisp compilers don’t
implement local call. In Python, users can choose to write loops
such as:
(defun ! (n) (labels ((loop (n total) (if (zerop n) total (loop (1- n) (* n total))))) (loop n 1)))
This macro provides syntactic sugar for using labels
do iteration. It creates a local function name with the
specified vars as its arguments and the declarations and
forms as its body. This function is then called with the
initial-values, and the result of the call is return from the
Here is our factorial example rewritten using iterate
(defun ! (n) (iterate loop ((n n) (total 1)) (if (zerop n) total (loop (1- n) (* n total)))))
The main advantage of using iterate
over do
is that
naturally allows stepping to be done differently
depending on conditionals in the body of the loop. iterate
can also be used to implement algorithms that aren’t really
iterative by simply doing a non-tail call. For example, the
standard recursive definition of factorial can be written like this:
(iterate fact ((n n)) (if (zerop n) 1 (* n (fact (1- n)))))