Previous: , Up: Compatibility with ANSI Common Lisp   [Contents][Index] Using Hierarchical Packages without Modifying cl:find-package

Even without the modifications to cl:find-package, authors need not avoid using relative package names, but the ability to reuse relative package names is restricted. Consider for example a module foo which is composed of the and packages. In the code for each of the these packages there are relative package references, and ..baz.

Implementations that have the new cl:find-package would have :relative-package-names on their *features* list (this is the case of CMUCL releases starting from 18d). Then, in the foo module, there would be definitions of the and packages like so:

     #-relative-package-names (:nicknames

     #-relative-package-names (:nicknames #:..baz)

Then, in a #-relative-package-names implementation, the symbol would be visible from as, just as it would from a #+relative-package-names implementation.

So, even without the implementation of the augmented cl:find-package, one can still write Common Lisp code that will work in both types of implementations, but and ..baz are now used, so you cannot also have and and use and ..baz as relative names. (The point of hierarchical packages, of course, is to allow reusing relative package names.)

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