11.2 Logical Key-Event Functions

Variable: *logical-key-event-names*

This variable holds a string-table mapping all logical key-event names to the keyword identifying the logical key-event.

Function: define-logical-key-event string-name documentation

This function defines a new logical key-event with name string-name, a simple-string. Logical key-event operations take logical key-events arguments as a keyword whose name is string-name uppercased with spaces replaced by hyphens.

Documentation describes the action indicated by the logical key-event.

Function: logical-key-event-key-events keyword

This function returns the list of key-events representing the logical key-event keyword.

Function: logical-key-event-name keyword
Function: logical-key-event-documentation keyword

These functions return the string name and documentation given to define-logical-key-event for logical key-event keyword.

Function: logical-key-event-p key-event keyword

This function returns t if key-event is the logical key-event keyword. This is setf’able establishing or disestablishing key-events as particular logical key-events. It is a error for keyword to be an undefined logical key-event.