3.3.1 Auto Save Mode

Save mode protects against loss of work in system crashes by periodically saving modified buffers in checkpoint files.

Command: Auto Save Mode

This command turns on Save mode if it is not on, and turns off when it is on. Save mode is on by default.

Hemlock Variable: Auto Save Checkpoint Frequency (initial value 120)
Hemlock Variable: Auto Save Key Count Threshold (initial value 256)

These variables determine how often modified buffers in Save mode will be checkpointed. Checkpointing is done after Auto Save Checkpoint Frequency seconds, or after Auto Save Key Count Threshold keystrokes that modify the buffer (whichever comes first). Either kind of checkpointing may be disabled by setting the corresponding variable to nil.

Hemlock Variable: Auto Save Cleanup Checkpoints (initial value t)

If this variable is true, then any checkpoint file for a buffer will be deleted when the buffer is successfully saved in its associated file.

Hemlock Variable: Auto Save Filename Pattern (initial value "~A~A.CKP")
Hemlock Variable: Auto Save Pathname Hook (initial value make-unique-save-pathname)

These variables determine the naming of checkpoint files. Auto Save Filename Pattern is a format string used to name the checkpoint files for buffers with associated files. Format is called with two arguments: the directory and file namestrings of the associated file.

Auto Save Pathname Hook is a function called by Save mode to get a checkpoint pathname when there is no pathname associated with a buffer. It should take a buffer as its argument and return either a pathname or nil. If a pathname is returned, then it is used as the name of the checkpoint file. If the function returns nil, or if the hook variable is nil, then Save mode is turned off in the buffer. The default value for this variable returns a pathname in the default directory of the form "save-number", where number is a number used to make the file unique.