9.10 Command Line Switches

Two command line switches control the initialization of editor and eval servers for a Lisp process:


This switch starts up Hemlock. If there is a non-switch command line word immediately following the program name, then the system interprets it as a file to edit. For example, given

lisp file.txt -edit

Lisp will go immediately into Hemlock finding the file file.txt.

-slave [name]

This switch causes the Lisp process to become a slave of the editor process name. An editor Lisp determines name when it allows connections from slaves. Once the editor chooses a name, it keeps the same name until the editor’s Lisp process terminates. Since the editor can automatically create slaves on its own machine, this switch is useful primarily for creating slaves that run on a different machine. hqb’s machine is ME.CS.CMU.EDU, and he wants want to run a slave on SLAVE.CS.CMU.EDU, then he should use the Accept Slave Connections command, telnet to the machine, and invoke Lisp supplying -slave and the editor’s name. The command displays the editor’s name.

For these switches to work, the core file must already have hemlock loaded. It does not work to load hemlock into the current lisp. Thus, use require :hemlock and then save-lisp to save a lisp core (or executable) that includes hemlock. Then the command-line switches will be available.