1.2.2 Commands

Nearly everything that can be done in Hemlock is done using a command. Since there are many things worth doing, Hemlock provides many commands, currently nearly two hundred. Most of this manual is a description of what commands exist, how they are invoked, and what they do. This is the format of a command’s documentation:

Command: Sample Command (bound to C-M-q, C-`)

This command’s name is Sample Command, and it is bound to C-M-q and C-`, meaning that typing either of these will invoke it. After this header comes a description of what the command does:

This command replaces all occurrences following the point of the string "Pascal" with the string "Lisp". If a prefix argument is supplied, then it is interpreted as the maximum number of occurrences to replace. If the prefix argument is negative then the replacements are done backwards from the point.