6.9 Lisp Library

This is an implementation dependent feature. The Lisp library is a collection of local hacks that users can submit and share that is maintained by the Lisp group. These commands help peruse the catalog or description files and figure out how to load the entries.

Command: Lisp Library

This command finds all the library entries and lists them in a buffer. The following commands describe and load those entries.

Command: Describe Library Entry (bound to Lisp-Lib: space)
Command: Describe Pointer Library Entry (bound to Lisp-Lib: leftdown)
Command: Load Library Entry (bound to Lisp-Lib: rightdown)
Command: Load Pointer Library Entry (bound to Lisp-Lib: l)
Command: Editor Load Library Entry
Command: Editor Load Pointer Library Entry

Load Library Entry and Load Pointer Library Entry load the library entry indicated by the line on which the point lies or where the user clicked the pointer, respectively. These load the entry into the current slave Lisp.

Editor Load Library Entry and Editor Load Pointer Library Entry are the same, but they load the entry into the editor Lisp.

Command: Exit Lisp Library (bound to Lisp-Lib: q)

This command deletes the Lisp Library buffer.

Command: Lisp Library Help (bound to Lisp-Lib: ?)

This command pops up a help window listing Lisp-Lib commands.