11.4 Reading Messages

From a News-Headers buffer, you may read messages, reply to messages via the Hemlock mailer, or reply to messages via post. Some commands are also bound to ease getting from one header to another.

Command: Netnews Show Article stuff (bound to space in News-Headers mode)
Hemlock Variable: Netnews Read Style (initial value :multiple)
Hemlock Variable: Netnews Headers Proportion (initial value 0.25)

This command puts the body of the message header under the current point into a News-Message buffer. If the value of Netnews Read Style is :single, Hemlock changes to the News-Message buffer. If it is :multiple, then Hemlock splits the current window into two windows, one for headers and one for message bodies. The headers window takes up a proportion of the current window based on the value of Netnews Headers Proportion. If the window displaying the News-Headers buffer has already been split, and the message currently displayed in the News-Message window is the same as the one under the current point, this command behaves just like Netnews Message Scroll Down.

Hemlock Variable: Netnews Message Header Fields (initial value nil)

When this variable is nil, all available fields are displayed in the header of a message. Otherwise, this variable should containt a list of fields to include in message headers. If an element of this list is an atom, then it should be the string name of a field. If it is a cons, then the car should be the string name of a field, and the cdr should be the length to which this field should be limited. Any string name is acceptable, and fields that do not exist are ignored.

Command: Netnews Show Whole Header stuff (bound to w in News-Headers and News-Message modes.)

This command displays the entire header for the message currently being read. This is to undo the effects of Netnews Message Header Fields for the current message.

Command: Netnews Next Line stuff (bound to C-n and Downarrow in News-Headers mode)
Hemlock Variable: Netnews Last Header Style (initial value :next-headers)

This command moves the current point to the next line. If you are on the last visible message, and there are more in the current group, headers for these messages will be inserted. If you are on the last header and there are no more messages in this group, then Hemlock will take some action based on the value of Netnews Last Header Style. If the value of this variable is :feep, Hemlock feeps you indicating there are no more messages. If the value is :next-headers, Hemlock reads in the headers for the next group in your Netnews Group File. If the value is :next-article, Hemlock goes on to the next group and shows you the first unread message.

Command: Netnews Previous Line stuff (bound to C-p and Uparrow in News-Headers mode)

This command moves the current point to the previous line. If you are on the first visible header, and there are more previous messages, Hemlock inserts the headers for these messages.

Command: Netnews Headers Scroll Window Down stuff (bound to C-v in News-Headers mode)
Command: Netnews Headers Scroll Window Up stuff (bound to M-v in News-Headers mode)

These commands scroll the headers window up or down one screenfull. If the end of the buffer is visible, Hemlock inserts the next batch of headers.

Command: Netnews Next Article stuff (bound to n in News-Message and News-Headers modes)
Command: Netnews Previous Article stuff (bound to p in News-Message and News-Headers modes)

These commands insert the next or previous message into a message buffer.

Command: Netnews Message Scroll Down stuff (bound to space in News-Message mode)
Hemlock Variable: Netnews Scroll Show Next Message (initial value t)

If the end of the current message is visible, Hemlock feeps the user if the value of Netnews Scroll Show Next Message is non-nil, or it inserts the next message into this message buffer if that variable is nil. If the end of the message is not visible, then Hemlock shows the next screenfull of the current message.

Command: Netnews Message Quit stuff (bound to q in News-Message mode)

This command deletes the current message buffer and makes the associated News-Headers buffer current.

Command: Netnews Goto Headers Buffer stuff (bound to H-h in News-Message mode)

This command, when invoked from a News-Message buffer with an associated News-Headers buffer, places the associated News-Headers buffer into the current window.

Command: Netnews Message Keep Buffer stuff (bound to k in News-Message mode)

By default, Hemlock uses one buffer to display all messages in a group, one at a time. This command tells Hemlock to keep the current message buffer intact and start reading messages in another buffer.

Command: Netnews Select Message Buffer stuff (bound to H-m in News-Headers and Post modes.)

In News-Headers mode, this command selects the buffer containing the last message read. In Post mode, it selects the associated News-Message buffer, if there is one.

Command: Netnews Append to File stuff (bound to a in News-Headers and News-Message modes.)
Hemlock Variable: Netnews Message File (initial value "netnews-messages.txt")

This command prompts for a file which the current message will be appended to. The default file is the value of Netnews Message File merged with your home directory.

Command: Netnews Headers File Message stuff (bound to o in News-Headers mode)

This command prompts for a mail folder and files the message under the point into it. If the folder does not exist, Hemlock will ask if it should be created.

Command: Netnews Message File Message stuff (bound to o in News-Message mode)

This command prompts for a mail folder and files the current message there. If the folder does not exist, Hemlock will ask if it should be created.

Command: Fetch All Headers stuff (bound to f in Netnews Headers mode)

In a forward reading Netnews headers buffer, this command inserts all headers after the last visible one into the headers buffer. If Hemlock is reading this group backward, the system inserts all headers before the first visible one into the headers buffer.

Command: Netnews Go to Next Group stuff (bound to g in News-Headers and News-Message modes.)

This command goes to the next group in your Netnews Group File. Before going on, it sets the group pointer in Netnews Database Filename to the last message you read. With an argument, the command does not modify the group pointer for the current group.

Command: Netnews Quit Starting Here stuff (bound to . in News-Headers and News-Message modes)

This command goes to the next group in your Netnews Group File, setting the netnews pointer for this group to the message before the one under the current point, so the next time you read this group, the message indicated by the point will appear first.

Command: Netnews Group Punt Messages stuff (bound to G in News-Headers mode)

This command goes on to the next bulletin board in your group file. Without an argument, the system sets the pointer for the current group to the last message. With an argument, Hemlock sets the pointer to the last visible message in the group.

Command: Netnews Exit stuff (bound to q in News-Headers mode)
Hemlock Variable: Netnews Exit Confirm (initial value t)

This command cleans up and deletes the News-Headers buffer and all associated News-Message buffers. If the value of Netnews Exit Confirm is nil, then Hemlock will not prompt before exiting.