10.3 Setting up MH

Get an MH default profile and mail directory by executing the MH folder utility in a Unix shell. When it asks if it should make the "inbox" folder, answer "yes". This creates a file called ".mh_profile" in the user’s home directory and a directory named "Mail".

Edit the ".mh_profile" file inserting two additional lines. To send mail in Hemlock, the user must indicate a draft folder by adding a Draft-Folder: line with a draft folder name — "drafts" is a common name:

Draft-Folder: drafts

Since the mail-drop exists on a remote machine, the following line must also be added:

MailDrop: /../<hostname>/usr/spool/mail/<username>

Since the user’s mail-drop is on a separate machine from his mail directory (and where the user runs Hemlock), it is necessary to issue the following command from the Unix shell (on the workstation). This only needs to be done once.

/usr/cs/etc/rfslink -host <hostname> /usr/spool/mail/<username>

Note that <hostname> is not a full ARPANET domain-style name. Use an abbreviated CMU host name (for example, "spice" not "spice.cs.cmu.edu").