3.4 Windows

Hemlock windows display a portion of a buffer’s text. See the section on window groups, groups, for a discussion of managing windows on bitmap device.

Command: New Window (bound to C-x C-n)

This command prompts users for a new window which they can place anywhere on the screen. This window is in its own group. This only works with bitmap devices.

Command: Split Window (bound to C-x 2)

This command splits the current window roughly in half to make two windows. If the current window is too small to be split, the command signals a user error.

Command: Next Window (bound to C-x n)
Command: Previous Window (bound to C-x p)

These commands make the next or previous window the new current window, often changing the current buffer in the process. When a window is created, it is arbitrarily made the next window of the current window. The location of the next window is, in general, unrelated to that of the current window.

Command: Delete Window (bound to C-x C-d, C-x d)
Command: Delete Next Window (bound to C-x 1)

Delete Window makes the current window go away, making the next window current. Delete Next Window deletes the next window, leaving the current window unaffected.

On bitmap devices, if there is only one window in the group, either command deletes the group, making some window in another group the current window. If there are no other groups, they signal a user error.

Command: Go to One Window

This command deletes all window groups leaving one with the Default Initial Window X, Default Initial Window Y, Default Initial Window Width, and Default Initial Window Height. This remaining window retains the contents of the current window.

Command: Line to Top of Window (bound to M-!)
Command: Line to Center of Window (bound to M-#)

Line to Top of Window scrolls the current window up until the current line is at the top of the screen.

Line to Center of Window attempts to scroll the current window so that the current line is vertically centered.

Command: Scroll Next Window Down (bound to C-M-v)
Command: Scroll Next Window Up (bound to C-M-V)

These commands are the same as Scroll Window Up and Scroll Window Down except that they operate on the next window.

Command: Refresh Screen (bound to C-l)

This command refreshes all windows, which is useful if the screen got trashed, centering the current window about the current line. When the user supplies a positive argument, it scrolls that line to the top of the window. When the argument is negative, the line that far from the bottom of the window is moved to the bottom of the window. In either case when an argument is supplied, this command only refreshes the current window.