8 ICR optimize

Somewhere describe basic ICR utilities: continuation-type, constant-continuation-p, etc. Perhaps group by type in ICR description?

We are conservative about doing variable-for-variable substitution in ICR optimization, since if we substitute a variable with a less restrictive type, then we may prevent use of a “good” representation within the scope of the inner binding.

Note that variable-variable substitutions aren’t really crucial in ICR, since they don’t create opportunities for new optimizations (unlike substitution of constants and functions). A spurious variable-variable binding will show up as a Move operation in VMR. This can be optimized away by reaching-definitions and also by targeting. [### But actually, some optimizers do see if operands are the same variable.]


The IF-IF optimization can be modeled as a value driven optimization, since adding a use definitely is cause for marking the continuation for reoptimization. [When do we add uses? Let conversion is the only obvious time.] I guess IF-IF conversion could also be triggered by a non-immediate use of the test continuation becoming immediate, but to allow this to happen would require Delete-Block (or somebody) to mark block-starts as needing to be reoptimized when a predecessor changes. It’s not clear how important it is that IF-IF conversion happen under all possible circumstances, as long as it happens to the obvious cases.

[### It isn’t totally true that code flushing never enables other worthwhile optimizations. Deleting a functional reference can cause a function to cease being an XEP, or even trigger let conversion. It seems we still want to flush code during ICR optimize, but maybe we want to interleave it more intimately with the optimization pass.

Ref-flushing works just as well forward as backward, so it could be done in the forward pass. Call flushing doesn’t work so well, but we could scan the block backward looking for any new flushable stuff if we flushed a call on the forward pass.

When we delete a variable due to lack of references, we leave the variable in the lambda-list so that positional references still work. The initial value continuation is flushed, though (replaced with NIL) allowing the initial value for to be deleted (modulo side-effects.)

Note that we can delete vars with no refs even when they have sets. I guess when there are no refs, we should also flush all sets, allowing the value expressions to be flushed as well.

Squeeze out single-reference unset let variables by changing the dest of the initial value continuation to be the node that receives the ref. This can be done regardless of what the initial value form is, since we aren’t actually moving the evaluation. Instead, we are in effect using the continuation’s locations in place of the temporary variable.

Doing this is of course, a wild violation of stack discipline, since the ref might be inside a loop, etc. But with the VMR back-end, we only need to preserve stack discipline for unknown-value continuations; this ICR transformation must be already inhibited when the DEST of the REF is a multiple-values receiver (EXIT, RETURN or MV-COMBINATION), since we must preserve the single-value semantics of the let-binding in this case.

The REF and variable must be deleted as part of this operation, since the ICR would otherwise be left in an inconsistent state; we can’t wait for the REF to be deleted due to being unused, since we have grabbed the arg continuation and substituted it into the old DEST.

The big reason for doing this transformation is that in macros such as INCF and PSETQ, temporaries are squeezed out, and the new value expression is evaluated directly to the setter, allowing any result type assertion to be applied to the expression evaluation. Unlike in the case of substitution, there is no point in inhibiting this transformation when the initial value type is weaker than the variable type. Instead, we intersect the asserted type for the old REF’s CONT with the type assertion on the initial value continuation. Note that the variable’s type has already been asserted on the initial-value continuation.

Of course, this transformation also simplifies the ICR even when it doesn’t discover interesting type assertions, so it makes sense to do it whenever possible. This reduces the demands placed on register allocation, etc.

There are three dead-code flushing rules:

  1. Refs with no DEST may be flushed.
  2. Known calls with no dest that are flushable may be flushed. We null the DEST in all the args.
  3. If a lambda-var has no refs, then it may be deleted. The flushed argument continuations have their DEST nulled.

These optimizations all enable one another. We scan blocks backward, looking for nodes whose CONT has no DEST, then type-dispatching off of the node. If we delete a ref, then we check to see if it is a lambda-var with no refs. When we flush an argument, we mark the blocks for all uses of the CONT as needing to be reoptimized.