New interface: instead of CURRENT-FRAME-SIZE, have CURRENT-SB-SIZE <name>
returns the current element size of the named SB.
How can we have primitive types that overlap, i.e. (UNSIGNED-BYTE 32), (SIGNED-BYTE 32), FIXNUM? Primitive types are used for two things: Representation selection: which SCs can be used to represent this value? For this purpose, it isn’t necessary that primitive types be disjoint, since any primitive type can choose an arbitrary set of representations. For moves between the overlapping representations, the move/load operations can just be noops when the locations are the same (vanilla MOVE), since any bad moves should be caught out by type checking. VOP selection: Is this operand legal for this VOP? When ptypes overlap in interesting ways, there is a problem with allowing just a simple ptype restriction, since we might want to allow multiple ptypes. This could be handled by allowing “union primitive types”, or by allowing multiple primitive types to be specified (only in the operand restriction.) The latter would be along the lines of other more flexible VOP operand restriction mechanisms, (constant, etc.)
Ensure that load/save-operand never need to do representation conversion.
The PRIMITIVE-TYPE more/coerce info would be moved into the SC. This could perhaps go along with flushing the TN-COSTS. We would annotate the TN with best SC, which implies the representation (boxed or unboxed). We would still need to represent the legal SCs for restricted TNs somehow, and also would have to come up with some other way for pack to keep track of which SCs we have already tried.
An SC would have a list of “alternate” SCs and a boolean SAVE-P value that indicates it needs to be saved across calls in some non-SAVE-P SC. A TN is initially given its “best” SC. The SC is annotated with VOPs that are used for moving between the SC and its alternate SCs (load/save operand, save/restore register). It is also annotated with the “move” VOPs used for moving between this SC and all other SCs it is possible to move between. We flush the idea that there is only c-to-t and c-from-t.
But how does this mesh with the idea of putting operand load/save back into the generator? Maybe we should instead specify a load/save function? The load/save functions would also differ from the move VOPs in that they would only be called when the TN is in fact in that particular alternate SC, whereas the move VOPs will be associated with the primary SC, and will be emitted before it is known whether the TN will be packed in the primary SC or an alternate.
I guess a packed SC could also have immediate SCs as alternate SCs, and constant loading functions could be associated with SCs using this mechanism.
So given a TN packed in SC X and an SC restriction for Y and Z, how do we know which load function to call? There would be ambiguity if X was an alternate for both Y and Z and they specified different load functions. This seems unlikely to arise in practice, though, so we could just detect the ambiguity and give an error at define-vop time. If they are doing something totally weird, they can always inhibit loading and roll their own.
Note that loading costs can be specified at the same time (same syntax) as association of loading functions with SCs. It seems that maybe we will be rolling DEFINE-SAVE-SCS and DEFINE-MOVE-COSTS into DEFINE-STORAGE-CLASS.
Fortunately, these changes will affect most VOP definitions very little.
A Storage Base represents a physical storage resource such as a register set or stack frame. Storage bases for non-global resources such as the stack are relativized by the environment that the TN is allocated in. Packing conflict information is kept in the storage base, but non-packed storage resources such as closure environments also have storage bases. Some storage bases:
General purpose registers Floating point registers Boxed (control) stack environment Unboxed (number) stack environment Closure environment
A storage class is a potentially arbitrary set of the elements in a storage base. Although conceptually there may be a hierarchy of storage classes such as “all registers”, “boxed registers”, “boxed scratch registers”, this doesn’t exist at the implementation level. Such things can be done by specifying storage classes whose locations overlap. A TN shouldn’t have lots of overlapping SC’s as legal SC’s, since time would be wasted repeatedly attempting to pack in the same locations.
There will be some SC’s whose locations overlap a great deal, since we get Pack to do our representation analysis by having lots of SC’s. An SC is basically a way of looking at a storage resource. Although we could keep a fixnum and an unboxed representation of the same number in the same register, they correspond to different SC’s since they are different representation choices.
TNs are annotated with the primitive type of the object that they hold: T: random boxed object with only one representation. Fixnum, Integer, XXX-Float: Object is always of the specified numeric type. String-Char: Object is always a string-char.
When a TN is packed, it is annotated with the SC it was packed into. The code generator for a VOP must be able to uniquely determine the representation of its operands from the SC. (debugger also...)
Some SCs: Reg: any register (immediate objects) Save-Reg: a boxed register near r15 (registers easily saved in a call) Boxed-Reg: any boxed register (any boxed object) Unboxed-Reg: any unboxed register (any unboxed object) Float-Reg, Double-Float-Reg: float in FP register. Stack: boxed object on the stack (on cstack) Word: any 32bit unboxed object on nstack. Double: any 64bit unboxed object on nstack.
We have a number of non-packed storage classes which serve to represent access costs associated with values that are not allocated using conflicts information. Non-packed TNs appear to already be packed in the appropriate storage base so that Pack doesn’t get confused. Costs for relevant non-packed SC’s appear in the TN-Ref cost information, but need not ever be summed into the TN cost vectors, since TNs cannot be packed into them.
There are SCs for non-immediate constants and for each significant kind of immediate operand in the architecture. On the RT, 4, 8 and 20 bit integer SCs are probably worth having.
Non-packed SCs: Constant Immediate constant SCs: Signed-Byte-<N>, Unsigned-Byte-<N>, for various architecture dependent values of <N> String-Char XXX-Float Magic values: T, NIL, 0.