2.2.3 Making Marks

Function: mark line charpos &optional kind

This function returns a mark object that points to the charpos’th character of the line. Kind is the kind of mark to create, one of :temporary, :left-inserting, or :right-inserting. The default is :temporary.

Function: copy-mark mark &optional kind

This function returns a new mark pointing to the same position and of the same kind, or of kind kind if it is supplied.

Function: delete-mark mark

This function deletes mark. Delete any permanent marks when you are finished using it.

Macro: with-mark ({(mark pos [kind])}*) {form}*

This macro binds to each variable mark a mark of kind kind, which defaults to :temporary, pointing to the same position as the mark pos. On exit from the scope the mark is deleted. The value of the last form is the value returned.