2.2.2 Mark Functions

Function: markp mark

This function returns t if mark is a mark object, otherwise nil.

Function: mark-line mark

This function returns the line to which mark points.

Function: mark-charpos mark

This function returns the character position of the character after mark. If mark’s line has no next line, this returns the length of the line as usual; however, there is actually is no character after the mark.

Function: mark-kind mark

This function returns one of :right-inserting, :left-inserting or :temporary depending on the mark’s kind. A corresponding setf form changes the mark’s kind.

Function: previous-character mark
Function: next-character mark

This function returns the character immediately before (after) the position of the mark, or nil if there is no previous (next) character. These characters may be set with setf when they exist; the setf methods for these forms signal errors when there is no previous or next character.