cmucl supports internationalization by supporting Unicode characters internally and by adding support for external formats to convert from the internal format to an appropriate external character coding format.
To understand the support for Unicode, we refer the reader to the Unicode standard.
To support internationalization, the following changes to Common Lisp functions have been done.
To support Unicode, there are many approaches. One choice is to support both 8-bit base-char and a 21-bit (or larger) character since Unicode codepoints use 21 bits. This generally means strings are much larger, and complicates the compiler by having to support both base-char and character types and the corresponding string types. This also adds complexity for the user to understand the difference between the different string and character types.
Another choice is to have just one character and string type that can hold the entire Unicode codepoint. While simplifying the compiler and reducing the burden on the user, this significantly increases memory usage for strings.
The solution chosen by cmucl is to tradeoff the size and complexity by having only 16-bit characters. Most of the important languages can be encoded using only 16-bits. The rest of the codepoints are for rare languages or ancient scripts. Thus, the memory usage is significantly reduced while still supporting the the most important languages. Compiler complexity is also reduced since base-char and character are the same as are the string types.. But we still want to support the full Unicode character set. This is achieved by making strings be UTF-16 strings internally. Hence, Lisp strings are UTF-16 strings, and Lisp characters are UTF-16 code-units.
Characters are now 16 bits long instead of 8 bits, and base-char and character types are the same. This difference is naturally indicated by changing char-code-limit from 256 to 65536.
In cmucl there is only one type of string—base-string and string are the same.
Internally, the strings are encoded using UTF-16. This means that in some rare cases the number of Lisp characters in a string is not the same as the number of codepoints in the string.
To be able to communicate to the external world, cmucl supports external formats to convert to and from the external world to cmucl’s string format. The external format is specified in several ways. The standard streams *standard-input*, *standard-output*, and *standard-error* take the format from the value specified by *default-external-format*. The default value of *default-external-format* is :iso8859-1.
For files, OPEN takes the :external-format parameter to specify the format. The default external format is :default.
The available external formats are listed below in Table 13.1. The first column gives the external format, and the second column gives a list of aliases that can be used for this format. The set of aliases can be changed by changing the aliases file.
For all of these formats, if an illegal sequence is encountered, no error or warning is signaled. Instead, the offending sequence is silently replaced with the Unicode REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (U+FFFD).
Format Aliases Description :iso8859-1 :latin1 :latin-1 :iso-8859-1 ISO8859-1 :iso8859-2 :latin2 :latin-2 :iso-8859-2 ISO8859-2 :iso8859-3 :latin3 :latin-3 :iso-8859-3 ISO8859-3 :iso8859-4 :latin4 :latin-4 :iso-8859-4 ISO8859-4 :iso8859-5 :cyrillic :iso-8859-5 ISO8859-5 :iso8859-6 :arabic :iso-8859-6 ISO8859-6 :iso8859-7 :greek :iso-8859-7 ISO8859-7 :iso8859-8 :hebrew :iso-8859-8 ISO8859-8 :iso8859-9 :latin5 :latin-5 :iso-8859-9 ISO8859-9 :iso8859-10 :latin6 :latin-6 :iso-8859-10 ISO8859-10 :iso8859-13 :latin7 :latin-7 :iso-8859-13 ISO8859-13 :iso8859-14 :latin8 :latin-8 :iso-8859-14 ISO8859-14 :iso8859-15 :latin9 :latin-9 :iso-8859-15 ISO8859-15 :utf-8 :utf :utf8 UTF-8 :utf-16 :utf16 UTF-16 with optional BOM :utf-16-be :utf-16be :utf16-be UTF-16 big-endian (without BOM) :utf-16-le :utf-16le :utf16-le UTF-16 little-endian (without BOM) :utf-32 :utf32 UTF-32 with optional BOM :utf-32-be :utf-32be :utf32-be UTF-32 big-endian (without BOM) :utf-32-le :utf-32le :utf32-le UTF-32 little-endian (without BOM) :cp1250 :cp1251 :cp1252 :windows-1252 :windows-cp1252 :windows-latin1 :cp1253 :cp1254 :cp1255 :cp1256 :cp1257 :cp1258 :koi8-r :mac-cyrillic :mac-greek :mac-icelandic :mac-latin2 :mac-roman :mac-turkish
Table 13.1: External formats
A composing external format is an external format that converts between one codepoint and another, rather than between codepoints and octets. A composing external format must be used in conjunction with another (octet-producing) external format. This is specified by using a list as the external format. For example, we can use ’(:latin1 :crlf) as the external format. In this particular example, the external format is latin1, but whenever a carriage-return/linefeed sequence is read, it is converted to the Lisp #\Newline character. Conversely, whenever a string is written, a Lisp #\Newline character is converted to a carriage-return/linefeed sequence. Without the :crlf composing format, the carriage-return and linefeed will be read in as separate characters, and on output the Lisp #\Newline character is output as a single linefeed character.
Table 13.2 lists the available composing formats.
Format Aliases Description :crlf :dos Composing format for converting to/from DOS (CR/LF) end-of-line sequence to #\Newline :cr :mac Composing format for converting to/from DOS (CR/LF) end-of-line sequence to #\Newline :beta-gk Composing format that translates (lower-case) Beta code (an ASCII encoding of ancient Greek) :final-sigma Composing format that attempts to detect sigma in word-final position and change it from U+3C3 to U+3C2
Table 13.2: Composing external formats
This is the default external format to use for all newly opened files. It is also the default format to use for *standard-input*, *standard-output*, and *standard-error*. The default value is :iso8859-1.Setting this will cause the standard streams to start using the new format immediately. If a stream has been created with external format :default, then setting *default-external-format* will cause all subsequent input and output to use the new value of *default-external-format*.
Remember that cmucl’s characters are only 16-bits long but Unicode codepoints are up to 21 bits long. Hence there are codepoints that cannot be represented via Lisp characters. Operating on individual characters is not recommended. Operations on strings are better. (This would be true even if cmucl’s characters could hold a full Unicode codepoint.)
For the comparison, the characters are converted to lowercase and the corresponding char-code are compared.
Returns non-nil if the Unicode category is a letter category.
Returns non-nil if the Unicode category is a letter category or an ASCII digit.
Only recognizes ASCII digits (and ASCII letters if the radix is larger than 10).
Returns non-nil if the Unicode category is a graphic category.
Returns non-nil if the Unicode category is an uppercase (lowercase) character.
Returns non-nil if the Unicode category is a titlecase character.
Returns non-nil if the Unicode category is an uppercase, lowercase, or titlecase character.
The Unicode uppercase (lowercase) letter is returned.
The Unicode titlecase letter is returned.
If possible the name of the character char is returned. If there is a Unicode name, the Unicode name is returned, except spaces are converted to underscores and the string is capitalized via string-capitalize. If there is no Unicode name, the form #\U+xxxx is returned where “xxxx” is the char-code of the character, in hexadecimal.
The inverse to char-name. If no character has the name name, then nil is returned. Unicode names are not case-sensitive, and spaces and underscores are optional.
Strings in cmucl are UTF-16 strings. That is, for Unicode code points greater than 65535, surrogate pairs are used. We refer the reader to the Unicode standard for more information about surrogate pairs. We just want to make a note that because of the UTF-16 encoding of strings, there is a distinction between Lisp characters and Unicode codepoints. The standard string operations know about this encoding and handle the surrogate pairs correctly.
The case of the string is changed appropriately. Surrogate pairs are handled correctly. The conversion to the appropriate case is done based on the Unicode conversion. The additional argument :casing controls how case conversion is done. The default value is :simple, which uses simple Unicode case conversion. If :casing is :full, then full Unicode case conversion is done where the string may actually increase in length.
The case of the string is changed appropriately. Surrogate pairs are handled correctly. The conversion to the appropriate case is done based on the Unicode conversion. (Full casing is not available because the string length cannot be increased when needed.)
The string comparison is done in codepoint order. (This is different from just comparing the order of the individual characters due to surrogate pairs.) Unicode collation is not done.
Each codepoint in each string is converted to lowercase and the appropriate comparison of the codepoint values is done. Unicode collation is not done.
Removes any characters in bag from the left, right, or both ends of the string string, respectively. This has potential problems if you want to remove a surrogate character from the string, since a single character cannot represent a surrogate. As an extension, if bag is a string, we properly handle surrogate characters in the bag.
Since strings are also sequences, the sequence functions can be used on strings. We note here some issues with these functions. Most issues are due to the fact that strings are UTF-16 strings and characters are UTF-16 code units, not Unicode codepoints.
Because of surrogate pairs these functions may remove a high or low surrogate value, leaving the string in an invalid state. Use these functions carefully with strings.
To support Unicode characters, the reader has been extended to recognize characters written in hexadecimal. Thus #\U+41 is the ASCII capital letter “A”, since 41 is the hexadecimal code for that letter. The Unicode name of the character is also recognized, except spaces in the name are replaced by underscores.
Recall, however, that characters in cmucl are only 16 bits long so many Unicode characters cannot be represented. However, strings can represent all Unicode characters.
When symbols are read, the symbol name is converted to Unicode NFC form before interning the symbol into the package. Hence, symbol-name (intern “string”) may produce a string that is not string= to “string”. However, after conversion to NFC form, the strings will be identical.
When printing characters, if the character is a graphic character, the character is printed. Thus #\U+41 is printed as #\A. If the character is not a graphic character, the Lisp name (e.g., #\Tab) is used if possible; if there is no Lisp name, the Unicode name is used. If there is no Unicode name, the hexadecimal char-code is printed. For example, #\U+34e, which is not a graphic character, is printed as #\Combining_Upwards_Arrow_Below, and #\U+9f which is not a graphic character and does not have a Unicode name, is printed as #\U+009F.
cmucl loads external formats using the search-list ext-formats:. The aliases file is also located using this search-list.
The Unicode data base is stored in compressed form in the file ext-formats:unidata.bin. If this file is not found, Unicode support is severely reduced; you can only use ASCII characters.
open filename &rest options &key | :direction :element-type :if-exists :if-does-not-exist |
:class :mapped :input-handle :output-handle | |
:external-format :decoding-error :encoding-error |
The main options are covered elsewhere. Here we describe the options specific to Unicode. The option :external-format specifies the external format to use for reading and writing the file. The external format is a keyword.
The options :decoding-error and :encoding-error are used to specify how encoding and decoding errors are handled. The default value on nilmeans the external format handles errors itself and typically replaces invalid sequences with the Unicode replacement character.
Otherwise, the value for decoding-error is either a character, a symbol or a function. If a character is specified. it is used as the replacement character for any invalid decoding. If a symbol or a function is given, it must be a function of three arguments: a message string to be printed, the offending octet, and the number of octets read. If the function returns, it should return two values: the code point to use as the replacement character and the number of octets read. In addition, t may be specified. This indicates that a continuable error is signaled, which, if continued, the Unicode replacement character is used.
For encoding-error, a character, symbol, or function can be specified, like decoding-error, with the same meaning. The function, however, takes two arguments: a format message string and the incorrect codepoint. If the function returns, it should be the replacement codepoint.
This function changes the external format used for *standard-input*, *standard-output*, and *standard-error* to the external format specified by terminal. Additionally, the Unix file name encoding can be set to the value specified by filenames if non-nil.
list all of the vailable external formats. A list is returned where each element is a list of the external format name and a list of aliases for the format. No distinction is made between external formats and composing external formats.
Print a description of the given external-format. This may cause the external format to be loaded (silently) if it is not already loaded.
Since strings are UTF-16 and hence may contain surrogate pairs, some utility functions are provided to make access easier.
Return the codepoint value from string at position i. If code unit at that position is a surrogate value, it is combined with either the previous or following code unit (when possible) to compute the codepoint. The first return value is the codepoint itself. The second return value is nil if the position is not a surrogate pair. Otherwise, +1 or −1 is returned if the position is the high (leading) or low (trailing) surrogate value, respectively.This is useful for iterating through a string in codepoint sequence.
Convert the given hi and lo surrogate characters to the corresponding codepoint value
Convert the given codepoint value to the corresponding high and low surrogate characters. If the codepoint is less than 65536, the second value is nil since the codepoint does not need to be represented as a surrogate pair.
string-encode encodes string using the format external-format, producing an array of octets. Each octet is converted to a character via code-char and the resulting string is returned.The optional argument start, defaulting to 0, specifies the starting index and end, defaulting to the length of the string, is the end of the string.
string-decode decodes string using the format external-format and produces a new string. Each character of string is converted to octet (by char-code) and the resulting array of octets is used by the external format to produce a string. This is the inverse of string-encode.The optional argument start, defaulting to 0, specifies the starting index and end, defaulting to the length of the string, is the end of the string.
string must consist of characters whose char-code is less than 256.
string-to-octets converts string to a sequence of octets according to the external format specified by external-format. The string to be converted is bounded by start, which defaults to 0, and end, which defaults to the length of the string. If buffer is specified, the octets are placed in buffer. If buffer is not specified, a new array is allocated to hold the octets. buffer-start specifies where in the buffer the first octet will be placed.An error method may also be specified by error. Any errors encountered while converting the string to octets will be handled according to error. If nil, a replacement character is converted to octets in place of the error. Otherwise, error should be a symbol or function that will be called when the error occurs. The function takes two arguments: an error string and the character that caused the error. It should return a replacement character.
Three values are returned: The buffer, the number of valid octets written, and the number of characters converted. Note that the actual number of octets written may be greater than the returned value, These represent the partial octets of the next character to be converted, but there was not enough room to hold the complete set of octets.
octets-to-string converts the sequence of octets in octets to a string. octets must be a (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)). The octets to be converted are bounded by start and end, which default to 0 and the length of the array, respectively. The conversion is performed according to the external format specified by external-format. If string is specified, the octets are converted and stored in string, starting at s-start (defaulting to 0) and ending just before s-end (defaulting to the end of string. string must be simple-string. If the bounded string is not large enough to hold all of the characters, then some octets will not be converted. If string is not specified, a new string is created.The state is used as the initial state of for the external format. This is useful when converting buffers of octets where the buffers are not on character boundaries, and state information is needed between buffers.
Four values are returned: the string, the number of characters written to the string, and the number of octets consumed to produce the characters, and the final state of external format after converting the octets.
Users may write their own external formats. It is probably easiest to look at existing external formats to see how do this.
An external format basically needs two functions: octets-to-code to convert octets to Unicode codepoints and code-to-octets to convert Unicode codepoints to octets. The external format is defined using the macro stream::define-external-format.
stream::define-external-format name (&key | :base :min :max :size :documentation) (&rest slots) |
&optional octets-to-code code-to-octets flush-state copy-state |
If :base is not given, this defines a new external format of the name :name. min, max, and size are the minimum and maximum number of octets that make up a character. (:size n is just a short cut for :min n :max n.) The description of the external format can be given using :documentation. The arguments octets-to-code and code-to-octets are not optional in this case. They specify how to convert octets to codepoints and vice versa, respectively. These should be backquoted forms for the body of a function to do the conversion. See the description below for these functions. Some good examples are the external format for :utf-8 or :utf-16. The :slots argument is a list of read-only slots, similar to defstruct. The slot names are available as local variables inside the code-to-octets and octets-to-code bodies.
If :base is given, then an external format is defined with the name :name that is based on a previously defined format :base. The slots are inherited from the :base format by default, although the definition may alter their values and add new slots. See, for example, the :mac-greek external format.
This defines a form to be used by an external format to convert octets to a code point. state is a form that can be used by the body to access the state variable of a stream. This can be used for any reason to hold anything needed by octets-to-code. input is a form that returns one octet from the input stream. unput will put back N octets to the stream. args is a list of variables that need to be defined for any symbols in the body of the macro.error controls how errors are handled. If nil, some suitable replacement character is used. That is, any errors are silently ignored and replaced by some replacement character. If non-nil, error is a symbol or function that is called to handle the error. This function takes three arguments: a message string, the invalid octet (or nil), and a count of the number of octets that have been read so far. If the function returns, it should be the codepoint of the desired replacement character.
Defines a form to be used by the external format to convert a code point to octets for output. code is the code point to be converted. state is a form to access the current value of the stream’s state variable. output is a form that writes one octet to the output stream.Similar to octets-to-code, error indicates how errors should be handled. If nil, some default replacement character is substituted. If non-nil, error should be a symbol or function. This function takes two arguments: a message string and the invalid codepoint. If the function returns, it should be the codepoint that will be substituted for the invalid codepoint.
Defines a form to be used by the external format to flush out any state when an output stream is closed. Similar to code-to-octets, but there is no code point to be output. The error argument indicates how to handle errors. If nil, some default replacement character is used. Otherwise, error is a symbol or function that will be called with a message string and codepoint of the offending state. If the function returns, it should be the codepoint of a suitable replacement.If flush-state is nil, then nothing special is needed to flush the state to the output.
This is called only when an output character stream is being closed.
Defines a form to copy any state needed by the external format. This should probably be a deep copy so that if the original state is modified, the copy is not.If not given, then nothing special is needed to copy the state either because there is no state for the external format or that no special copier is needed.
stream:define-composing-external-format name (&key | :min :max :size :documentation) input output |
This is the same as define-external-format, except that a composing external format is created.